22 November 2006

Panda Porn?! Really?

It's bad enough that a generation of young male humans is learning that pornography is sex, but now we're teaching pandas this lesson as well.

“It works,” enthuses Zhang Zhihe, a leading Chinese expert, about showing uninitiated males DVDs of fellow pandas mating.

Also, much like male humans, when exposed to pornography these male pandas become increasingly violent towards their female counterparts.

"In captivity, with no male rivals around, pandas often take out their aggression on the female."

Honestly, you'd think that nobody in the history of the universe had ever done a study that found a causal link between exposure to pornography and aggression against women that is stronger than that between smoking and lung cancer. Which, of course, is not true, since such evidence can be found right here. I'm not about to embark on a mission to save the pandas from pornography, but honestly, there are some things that just reek of such stupidity that I can't believe somebody hatched the idea. Sorta like the Democratic Congressman that's openly musing about re-instituting the draft down in the U.S.

1 comment:

RGM said...

Now, substitute "human" in for "panda" and just imagine the negative effects that pornography is having on our civilization.