06 April 2006

The Good, the Bad, and the Nasty

As of 10:43am, my day has already encountered experiences in all three. A brief summation:
The Good:
I woke up. That always beats the alternative.
Going to see Bryan Adams tonight.
Got another birthday card in the mail.
Had coffee & muffin with Tasha.
Got cheque from government covering the last two years of GST payments.

The Bad:
When I woke up, my globalization paper still had not written itself. I will thus be spending most of this day working on it.
On the way home from the bus stop, a car damn near hit me as he sped across the crosswalk, with the little stop lighting flashing like crazy. Haligonian drivers are as bad as Kelowna drivers. I've had numerous close encounters because people simply do not pay attention while they are driving.

The Nasty:
This is the type of thing that frosts my biscuit, which is not a good thing. Tasha & I are standing at the bus stop and these two girls come along into the little shelter. One of them lights a cigarette and just starts smoking away. Now, I don't know if you've ever stood in the little bus stalls, but on every wall, in blue letters, it quite plainly says, "No Smoking". Add on to this, there are people (Tasha & I) who are also standing in the stall. How fucking rude and inconsiderate some people can be, it is astonishing. For those who don't know, I find smoking the most abhorrent and flat-out disgusting habit anybody can ever take up, it's anti-social, it stinks, and it kills people. Having lived in completely smoke-free environments since first moving to Kelowna, I've got a tremendous aversion to the smell of it. I can smell it on anything, simply because the air compared to what I breathe 99.99% of the time is completely free of it. That .01% of my life that I have to deal with it aggravates and annoys me to no end, and my blood boils when people are so ignorant as to smoke in a non-smoking area when there is a sign that says No Smoking less than 12 inches from their face. Couple that with the idiot driver and my mood, which should be fantastic (see The Good), borders on being ruined because of two people who cannot be bothered to show a little consideration for the other people they share the world with. But alas, the power of The Summer of '69 and $700 in found money will trump that. And the birthday card, because I like reminders that I'm nearing a quarter-century.
Time to go write the paper.

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