19 March 2006

Ah Sunday

Hope everybody out there is having a nice day. My ranting below aside, it's been a good 24 hours in which I've let my mind have a bit of time off from school stuff. It's been a very long week and I'm glad that it's over. Now it's a three-week sprint to the finish line...the end is in sight. Along the way I'll get to see Michael Ignatieff, Bryan Adams, and turn 25. 2 out of those 3 things ain't bad, I guess.
I would also like to point out that I deleted a comment from someone this morning. I'm not a fan of censorship generally, but it's my blog and if I don't want somebody's hate-filled venom on my site, then I have the option of dealing with it as I see fit. Let it be known that any future comments from this same person will receive the same treatment. I don't like having my integrity questioned on my positions, and false allegations made against me in order to fulfill someone's old grievances or continue some long-running grudge will simply be deleted. The Internet is a wonderful thing, but it also allows people to hide behind anonymous facades so that they can insult people half a world away because they still live in the mindset of being a student politician whom I once disagreed with on some student issue. Such is the universe, but holding the moderation key here allows me to make a small part of my universe free of hatred.
To everybody else, enjoy your Sunday.

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