23 March 2006

A Monumental Day for Canada

Today has been an incredible day in the battle for Iraq, and there is a distinct Canadian twist to it today that should make even the most ardent of anti-war folks proud of our Canadian Forces. As we all know, the two Canadian peace activists have been rescued, along with their British counterpart--tragically, the kidnapped American hostage was murdered by the terrorists a couple of weeks ago--and the latest news is that Canada played a significant role in rescuing its citizens. The British Foreign Secretary (Britain led the rescue mission) acknowledged that this operation was conducted by British, American, and Canadian officials, and speculation is that not only was the RCMP involved, but so were Canada's elite special forces, the JTF2. For this force to be in Iraq may cause some controversy among those who oppose any Canadian involvement in Iraq or other fronts of Operation Enduring Freedom, but in my view, to use them in this type of operation is both appropriate and demonstrative of Canada's interest in seeing Iraq remain out of the hands of the terrorists. We may have opposed the initial campaign to remove Saddam Hussein from power, but all states have a vested interest in the future of Iraq.
I listened to the Prime Minister's address today while writing a paper for American foreign policy. I was filled with pride to hear his words of support for the American and British forces who worked alongside Canadians to rescue these civilians, and I am highly impressed by the manner in which the Prime Minister has conducted himself in Canadian foreign policy. He has taken a strong leading role in promoting Canada's Afghanistan mission, and has surpassed the expectations of many in speaking with a clear voice for Canada. This is something for which we should all be proud, regardless of political affiliation. I have really come around on Harper in recent months, and I am definitely not the only Liberal, past or present, who has expressed respect for his policy agenda and leadership. He's doing good for Canada, and that is what is important here. He, like the Canadian officials he lauded today, are most definitely doing "excellent work."

1 comment:

Forward Looking Canadian said...

Great post Rich. I whole heartedly agree. Look at the turnaround time between when this news leaked, and when Harper issued a statement. You think Mulroney, Chretien, or Martin would have issued a same day statement? Chretien took a day to even address the September 11th attacks for petes sake.... this is not a conservative or liberal issue... its a Canadian issue. Canadian sacrifice, canadian courage, canadian pride. end of story.