23 December 2005

Chantal Hebert nails it perfectly in today's Toronto Star:

It is because they have failed to keep up with the times that the federal Liberals are no longer holding their own in Quebec. In this campaign, they are fighting the last war and shooting themselves in the foot almost daily in the process.
Two decades after patriation of the Constitution, the federal Liberal party is a spent force in Quebec. The days when it competed fiercely with the sovereignist movement for the best and brightest of Quebecers are behind it.

It is going to take a near-complete purge of the Liberal Party organization's structure in Quebec in order to bring about the renewal that the party desperately needs. It requires new faces who do not have the taint of the sponsorship scandal-era with them. Many of those affiliated with Paul Martin and perhaps even Jean Chretien in the province of Quebec have a hint of that stain with them and it has devastated the party's fortunes in the province that it could once claim exclusive jurisdiction over for the federalist parties. From 1993 until the present the Liberals were the only federalist party that could legitimately stake out Quebec as its own, and it was invaluable in providing the three consecutive majorities and the Martin minority last year. Those days are over. The Bloc Quebecois holds a massive lead, and there was one source yesterday speculating that "the PM might lose his own seat" in this election. This is the extent to which the self-anointed "Captain Canada" (how ironic given that CSL doesn't fly a Canadian flag) has lost the favour of voters in his home province. The Liberals are in deep trouble in Quebec, and the shift away from them to the Bloc, and possibly even to the Tories, where it's been said that Harper could win a small handful of seats, could very well end up resulting in a Conservative government in January.

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