22 December 2005

Isn't this something? This is reportedly, by Conservative pundit Stephen Taylor, going to be one of the new Liberal attack ads in the new year. Just take a moment to digest what the words on that little banner say. How easy would it be to swap out the main headline and replace it with, oh I don't know, "Chuck Guite and the Liberals," or "Paul Martin and the Liberals"? Here we are in a world that is not even two months removed from the publication of the first volume of the Gomery Report and the Big Red Machine has the audacity to accuse other political leaders and parties of using the mechanisms of government to benefit their friends. Quick question: which party allowed its advertising friends to pocket over 100 MILLION DOLLARS of Canadians' money? It most certainly was the Liberals. In my many years of following politics, I believe this stands as the single most hypocritical action I have seen. It is shameful and embarrassing to believe that the Martinite Liberals have such low esteem of Canadians that they actually think that this poster will not evoke images of cash-loaded brown envelopes or the sponsorship scandal, and will immediately believe that Stephen Harper is the devil incarnate. It also, of course, completely ignores how Paul Martin helped Paul Martin get richer for many years by flying off-shore flags on his Canadian Steamship Lines company ships. It's despicable and the Liberals should be ashamed of themselves for this.

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