06 May 2006

Who Wants a Mug?

Your task is to email: captions@nationalpost.com and come up with a "funny" caption that summarizes what is happening in the above picture. My entry:

"Pornographer Revels in 50+ Years of Degrading Women."

Words cannot describe how much I hate this man. This creep has made a fortune via the prostitution and exploitation of women, going a long way to create the idea that all women just want to get naked and have sex with men on a whim. His "great contribution" to society has been to perpetuate inequality and disrespect for an entire gender. Worse still, since the dawn of the Playboy era, the rape rate in North America has increased by 400% and global violence against women has accelerated to the extent that one in three women "around the world will be raped, beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime."

How does Hefner feel about this? He thinks it's funny, wacky, and part of a natural loving relationship. He's wrong on all three counts, and to see him and his rag making light of rape is despicable. So I encourage everybody who reads this blog to send in their caption and thoughts on Hefner's birthday celebration. Make sure to not say "thank you" for the work he's done. Asshat.

**Update** 5/13: Well I didn't win, instead this comment did: “$100,000 on plastic surgery and all we got is sex with an old guy.” Silly me for not making fun of the women who felt compelled to alter themselves because "the system" tells them that the only way to get a boy's attention is to be a silicone doll with long blonde hair. I really wanted that mug!


Forward Looking Canadian said...

Richard, love the new blog!

Me said...

Woot! I love it! I'll be back a bit later after I get some chores done. Til then, excellent work here *grin*

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more! What truly amazes me is that women want to be a part of all of this!! Do they not have any respect for themselves? Do they think that Heff would have anything to do with them if they weren't well endowed and beautiful? How shallow a life....

RGM said...

You said it Kelly, right on! Thanks for dropping by, and don't forget to submit something so that you can win a mug from the National Post!

RGM said...

You are here.

The point is here.

That women are now "choosing" to be exploited in Playboy and other forms of pornstitution doesn't make it any less repugnant. Your argument here is a typical one used by liberals who fail to recognize that this form of "female empowerment" is simply self-exploitation. Why are they doing it? To appease and appeal to men. The principle is no different than it traditionally has been; female sexuality is exploited in order to hold them as second-class citizens to men. The only difference is that women have been told so many times that it is "empowering" and "sexy" to exploit themselves, they're starting to believe it. And so another generation of girls is raised to please at any cost.